Bion's A Memoir of the Future - the unfinished movie Jim Baumbach (2014)
Adam Phillips and Chris Oakley: Unforbidden Pleasures (2015)
Adam Phillips, writer and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, discusses his book, with Chris Oakley at the London Review of Books Bookshop.
Eric Laurent - against neuro metaphors
PULSE: Paris US Lacan Seminar Autumn, 2011
Eric Laurent - Lacan as Analysand (2011)
Eric Laurent - Lacan Analysand; PULSE: Paris US Lacan Seminar Autumn,
The Brain and the Mind - The Workings of Empathy (2011)
Recent neuroscientific work has brought to light the existence of 'mirror neurones'. It has been shown that patients suffering certain kinds of brain damage are unable to experience particular emotions in themselves or to recognize them in others. Empathy and identification now emerge as key constituents of development -- processes which also inform artistic work and acting, and have long been part of the relational thinking of clinicians. Psychoanalyst Darian Leader, actor Fiona Shaw and Neuroscientist Chris Frith discuss what it means to engage with the mind of another person. Lara Feigel of the Centre for Humanities and Health at King's College and a convenor of the series leads the discussion.
Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, King's College London
The Freud Museum (London)
has a interesting collection of videos. Click here.
Psychoanalysis On and Off the Couch
A very interesting podcasts series with new episodes each month. In the episodes we meet psychoanalysts who work in dialysis units, prenatal clinics, corporate board rooms, community centres, humanitarian organisations, and with vineyard workers just to name a few. We hope these conversations expand our awareness of how broadly psychoanalytic thinking extends into our communities.
Produced and hosted by Harvey Schwartz MD, Chair of the IPA in Health Committee, and Steven S. Rolfe MD.Harvey Schwartz MD.
Listen to the podcasts here.
From Donald Winnicott to the Naughty Step - BBC Radio 4 (2013)
Listen to the audiofile here.
Hidden Desires and Secret Thoughts: Are We In Control of Our Selves?
An interesting debate between hard-nosed empiricists (an academic psychologist and philosopher) vs. a cultural theory psychoanalytic representative.
Many have been sceptical of Freud's claim that unconscious desires control our lives. Yet recent studies show the conscious brain processes only a tiny fraction of the brain as a whole. Are hidden desires and secret thoughts driving our actions, or is our conscious brain in full control?
The Panel: Clinical psychologist and author of Madness Explained Richard Bentall, philosopher of mind Barry C. Smith, and BBC New Generation Thinker Shahida Bari uncover the unconscious
Link to the video here.
For or against psychoanalysis?
Maudsley Debate: Wake up to the Unconscious? of Wednesday, 7th March 2012.
Prof. Peter Fonagy reviewed the evidence base for psychotherapies, noting that psychodynamic therapies fared no worse than CBT. He emphasised the convergence of psychodynamic and neuroscientific accounts of development.
Opposing the motion, Prof. Paul Salkovskis likened psychoanalytic schools to cults, criticised the absence of a symptom-based approach and some of the theories underpinning psychoanalysis.
Prof. Alessandra Lemma drew on her experience in psychoanalysis and CBT to argue for an eclectic approach, but argued that psychoanalysis provides an unrivalled framework for understanding interactional processes.
Prof Lewis Wolpert shared his personal negative experience with psychoanalysis when suffering from severe depression, and described it as a pseudoscience with no evidence to back it up. He also accused his opponents of conflating psychodynamic therapies with psychoanalysis.