Coolbinia rooms: 402 Walcott St, Coolbinia, Perth 6050
Kingsley rooms: Meerilinga, 49 Peregrine Drive, Kingsley
Tel: 0493 130 834
Leuzinger-Bohleber, M and Kächele, H. (eds.) (2015) An Open Door Review of Clinical, Conceptual, Process and Outcome Studies in Psychoanalysis
ODR is a vast compendium of abstracts and summaries that shows the great diversity of contemporary psychoanalytic research. Amongst other things, it provides a fairly recent meta-analysis by Leichensring & Klein that reviews the empirical evidence for psychodynamic-psychoanalytic therapy for specific mental disorders.
You can download a copy of the latest Review here .
Levy, R. A., Ablon, S.J. and Kächele, H. (eds) (2012) Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Research: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence, Springer.